Omagh Anglers Association Letter to the Loughs Agency

On behalf of Omagh Anglers Association  I corresponded with Mr Anderson about the Loughs Agency stance on catch and release. I queried the methods being used to introduce this policy and also suggested some alternative suggestions about the way forward whereby we can all work together for the betterment of the Foyle system in general and salmon in particular. As a club we put forward several suggestions as listed below:

  • consideration be given to a reduction in the number of tags issued to
    anglers to a more conservative level instead of 25.
  • Many anglers are already employing catch and release methods. Introduce
    catch and release from the start of the season until the 1st of May to
    safeguard returning kelts and again from the 1st October.
  • We wish to see protocols in place which can be managed appropriately, have
    a robust scientific basis and draw the support of angling clubs in implementing
    and upholding the requirements

We also asked if the hatchery at the Loughs Agency headquarters could be brought back into the use for which it was intended. We are still awaiting a response from the Loughs Agency on these matters.