At a sometimes very heated meeting between the Committee of Omagh Anglers and John Mc Cartney of the Loughs Agency ,Mr Mc Cartney revealed that his preferred method in dealing with the declining numbers of salmon that his counter at Sion Mills was able to verify is Catch and Release. To date his counter only counted 1197 salmon.We are unsure if this means if it will be implemented but his inability to really want to discuss other avenues probably means prepare yourselves for its arrival. He has also included trout in this policy rethink as trout were included in the River Finn Catch and Release policy document. It seems like a case of one cap just has to fit all with the Loughs Agency and that they can not think outside of previous templates or ideas !! I have posted Loughs Agency details below so as anglers can make their feelings known directly to the Loughs Agency and John Mc Cartney. Please do this!!
Email :Loughs Agency on : Derick Anderson <> John Mc Cartney <>
with any suggestions or thoughts on this matter at your earliest convenience. The Loughs Agency had been looking for the views of anglers on this matter but Mr Mc Cartney seems to already have his mind made up. We had invited Lionel Knobbs to a meeting in April with a view to discussing alternatives to Catch and Release but he was unavailable. This is your chance to make your feelings and ideas known to the ‘powerbrokers’ at the Loughs Agency.
Remember, keep the responses clean and free off abusive language!!! Do not let complaints or suggestions be sidelined due to bad language and poor manners!