Loughs Agency is advising anglers to help preserve salmon and trout stocks in rivers following prolonged periods of hot weather across both the Foyle and Carlingford catchments.
These extreme weather conditions have led to low river flows, high water temperatures and low oxygen levels in many bodies of water.
Head of Science, Dr Sarah McLean is hopeful that anglers will proceed with caution on the rivers, particularly when fishing in the current warm temperatures.
Dr McLean said: “Many of our fish species will find survival difficult in these warm conditions without the added pressure of angling stress. Even catch and release poses a serious risk to fish health in these conditions as low dissolved oxygen in the water can result in poor fish recovery rates and inadvertent mortalities.
“It is also worth remembering that high water temperatures and low dissolved oxygen levels may also leave fish more susceptible to parasites and disease, so any fish caught will also require additional care when handling.”
There are several measures anglers can take to help protect fish during the hot weather:
Consider taking the water temperature before you fish and avoid fishing during midday and afternoons when water temperatures are high. Water temperature will be coolest in the early morning;
Where possible, keep fish in the water during catch and release;
Seek advice from fishery or angling clubs where appropriate;
Avoid targeting larger fish or sensitive species;
Keep nets should not be used by coarse anglers during warm weather;
Limit handling time;
Where possible and safe, release fish into deeper, faster flowing water.
Anglers should report distressed or dead fish in the Foyle or Carlingford catchments directly and promptly to Loughs Agency at +44 (0)28 71 342100 or info@loughs-agency.org