Omagh Anglers in conjunction with Omagh Golf Club and the Loughs Agency have carried out a restoration project on the lower Drumragh River. Over 850 metres of new fencing, access gates for anglers, tree planting and revetment works were carried out on the section through Omagh Golf Club. The works were carried out in the Autumn of 2022 and the Loughs Agency took the lead on the project. Omagh Golf Club gave access to the contractors and the revetment works will help the banks alongside the river on the golf club side from continued erosion. The new fencing will keep most of the livestock out of the river and the tree planting alongside the river will help provide some shade when they grow. The project cost £14500 and I would like to thank the Loughs Agency for the funding and Seamus Cullinan and Ciaran Mc Gonigle for all the assistance and work in bringing the project to completion. Hopefully this will be the first of many schemes carried out together with them.
May 15