Drumragh Access Project

Omagh Anglers Association working in conjunction with the Loughs Agency and with the permission of Messrs Porter and O’Neill have completed the Drumragh Access project.

This comprised widening of the entrance way and erection of a new gate , scraping and dressing the lane and the implementation of a new carpark in order to provide ease of access for members and increase their safety in terms of getting in and out of the lane. Please see the photos to view the befores and afters of the project.

I would like to thank the contractor Martin MC Phillips for the efficient and speedy nature and his professional approach to the project. We also thank local Loughs Agency officers A Sides and S. Cullinan for their assistance in completing the task ,Kelsie Geddis for her help in attaining the grant and also to the Riparian owners for their kind permissions.