Secretary’s Report
The 2010 season was a reasonably good season for members and many salmon were reported caught throughout the year. The numbers caught however did not reflect the number of salmon seen going over the weirs or in the system which also was not reflected in official figures from the Loughs Agency again. The counters are again ineffective at producing reliable figures. We have also had several extremely bad pollution incidents this year with all 3 local rivers suffering with the Owenreagh being the worst affected having approx. 8 miles of river wiped out! The Loughs Agency are looking after the individual cases.
The annual competitions were well supported with almost 60 anglers turning up to fish on the day. This was one of the best turnouts over the last number of years and some fantastic trout were caught on the day. A lot of time and effort is put into organising these competitions and members are asked to publicise and support them. The trout fishing in our system is excellent with many reasonable size trout being caught throughout the season.
We have continued to replace a lot of our stiles and bridges last year again and this work will continue throughout 2011. If any one knows of stiles/bridges in disrepair let either me or one of the committee members or CA Andersons know of its whereabouts.
At time of going to press we are in consultation with several of the governing bodies about the hydroelectric scheme proposed for the River Camowen. It looks like the scheme will be going ahead but we are still consulting with FASTA and the Ulster Angling Federation about whether or not we can delay it further. We also signed up as a member of Fish Legal this year. We have been fighting this battle since 7th Jan 2007.
All possibilities have been looked at but the Government bodies seem to have worked together to ensure the safe passage of the plans. There are also plans for a further scheme above the Leap Bridge on the Camowen which we have already objected to and will be continuing to fight against! Going to press I am now in consultation with the N.I Ombudsman as planning permission has been granted!!.
Lastly I would like to thank everyone who has helped me in the last year in my role as Club Secretary especially the Chairman, Treasurer and also thanks to the Club Bailiffs for their sterling efforts throughout the 2010.The Bailiffs checked 522 tickets in the 2010 season, a fantastic effort in protecting our waters for our members.
T. Smithson
Honorary Secretary.